
really useful sites


club members’ sites, other nearby clubs, and general

  • Ridgeway Repeater Group
    Management group for GB3WH, GB3TD, GB7NW and MB7UR.
  • Team Thunderbox
    M0OTM, M0KGV, M0OZD & Terry.
    Trowbridge & District Amateur Radio Club
    Chippenham & District Amateur Radio Club
  • AC6V
    If you can’t find a link here it probably doesn’t exist!
  • GM3SEK
    Very useful pages from the writer of Radcom’s ‘In Practice’ pages. Co-author of ‘The VHF/UHF DX Book’. Sadly no longer in print (why?) – get hold of a copy if you can. The best book I have ever read for VHF/UHF.


components & hardware