The Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club traces its origins to before the Second World War, but the club as we know it today was inaugurated in August 1955 in what was then the Connaught Restaurant in Cromwell Street. Stalwart committee member Frank (G3JOT) remembers the occasion well!
Today, the club meets at The Reading Rooms, 32 The Circle, Pinehurst, Swindon, SN2 1RB (click here for map). This is a building with ample space for club functions and reasonable on-site parking facilities near by at Pinetrees Comminity Centre. The club meets there every Thursday from around 7pm and a list of scheduled activities can be found in the programme section.
Talks/demonstrations start about 8pm and usually last about an hour and are free to members/prospective members. Visitors pay a modest £1 toward club funds.
The club is active in several annual contests on VHF/UHF and HF and everyone that gets involved in setting up and operating the club station (G8SRC/P) enjoys these events immensely. Please see the contesting section for more info.
Interested in joining? It costs only £15 per year – please see the membership section.