Club Meetings – Covid-19 Update

Club Meetings – Covid-19 Update

Good afternoon Members,

We, your committee, are sorry but in keeping with best practice advice in the circumstances of the Covid-19 outbreak, the Parish Councillors have decided to *CLOSE Pinetrees Centre as of today* and until further notice.

This means that from today, SDARC will have no physical meeting place for the foreseeable future.

On the bright side, one of the key advantages of the hobby we share is that we have our radios. To try to ‘fill the gap’ while we have no meeting place, the committee has suggested we operate radio nets and maybe other means of ‘getting together’ remotely.

As a start, we are proposing to run a net using GB3WH tomorrow (Thursday) in place of our regular physical meeting. The plan is that the net will run from around 1930 and be an open forum to discuss ways that we might wish to ‘stay together’ as a Club and help each other through the current issues. The Repeater Keeper for WH is on-board with this plan. Thanks.

It is appreciated that some Members might live in locations where access to WH is either limited or impossible and to that end James has created a “doodle” poll so we can gauge which bands might be best to use for such nets. If you would like to add in your preferences to this poll, please follow the link below.

We hope that this health issue will be over in the not too distant future and that we will be able to get back to normality and back to Pinetrees, but in the meantime, please make use of your radio(s), call in on the net(s), keep in touch with each other and enable Members to support each other through the weeks ahead.

This is the first time since WWII that the Club has been forcibly closed and we hope it will be the last time and for a very short period!

73 all, keep well, keep safe and keep busy!

Den  (for the SDARC Committee)

To voice your preferences about future nets, please follow this link :