The Sale to Members of SK Items – scheduled as part of the regular Members Equipment Sale on Thursday coming, 4th May – has created quite a bit of pre-Sale interest! This is particularly true of the “Major Items” listed on Pages 1 & 2 of the list you will have seen.
Our aim is to make the SK Sale as fair as possible to all Members and we have therefore refused to enter into pre-Sale reservations or to sell items ahead of the sale.
In addition, to enable members who live further away to get to Pinetrees without finding half the equipment already sold before they arrive, we are modifying the “First Come, First Served” mantra by delaying the sale of the “Major Items” on the SK List until 8pm.
During the past few days, we have also received emails that show that several Members are likely to be interested in some of the same “Major Items” !
We have spent some time considering how best to organise that situation in a way that is fair and have decided:
- Members first. SK Items will be available to Members before being offered to Visitors.
- In the period to 8pm on Thursday evening, none of the “Major” SK items will be sold, but Members can register interest in items on that part of the List.
- At 8 pm we will review the list and immediately sell to those who registered their interest, all “Major Items” that are not the subject of interest from multiple Members.
- We will then discuss with those members about how to proceed.
Here’s hoping everyone has an enjoyable and profitable evening whether buying or selling.