Thursday 15th September @ SDARC

Thursday 15th September @ SDARC

‘On Thursday 15th September, we kick off the Autumn/Winter programme with a film documenting the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC).

So, what is the WRTC you ask?

Well, it is a competition between two-person teams of Radio Amateurs using their skills to make contact with other Radio Amateurs around the world.

The championship lasts for 24 hours and all teams from each geographic region use the SAME antennas – so It’s all down to operator skill!

The 2014 championship had 59 teams from 38 countries competing from 29 qualifying regions around the world.

The eventual winners were Daniel Craig, N6MJ and Chris Hurlbut, KL9A from the USA.

This documentary film of the WRTC 2014 has been professionally produced by James Brooks, 9V1YC and he has kindly uploaded the film to his pages on Vimeo. James also has also enabled its downloading for use by individuals and clubs such as ours. There are a number of other films which James has produced here:- These include DXepeditions such as Midway, K4M; the Kingdom of Bhutan, A52A and Heard Island, VK0IR and all are well worth watching.

Please join us at Pine Trees from 7pm on Thursday 15th to view this excellent documentary and to find out more about our future talks and events.’