Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club

Worked All Squares (2023)

This year’s club competition is about to begin. We will be running two competitions. The first to be released is Worked All Squares.

Work as many LARGE SQUARES as you can during the Award period, to encourage some competitive fun playing radio, to raise the on-air profile of the club, and to reward members making use of their radio gear. A large square is the first four characters of a Maidenhead locator, eg: IO91.

You will need to upload your ADIF log from time to time so that we can process it and update the league tables. We will automatically calculate who is a member from our master list so you don’t need to worry about how you log it.

If you are an SWL and have yet to gain your licence, you can still take part!

For more information visit the dedicated page available within the menu item “Worked All…”

Good luck!

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