Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club

VHF NFD 2022

We took part in the VHF NFD for the first time in 3 years due to the dreaded C. We decided to enter 6/4/2/70/23 across multiple categories. We made a plan and that plan rapidly started to fall apart as time got closer. However, in the end, everything we planned came to fruition, and despite poor conditions, and lower than usual activity, we all had a fun weekend.

Details of QSO/Band data will follow once we have extracted the logs from the computers.

A big thanks to the members who turned up to help set up, operate and tear down. Next year we need to separate the stations to reduce interstation interference.

The question remains, is this contest being killed off by the Tuesday evening contests where you can work more stations with less effort in a couple of hours?

Here are some photos of the event taken by Marc and James.

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