Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club


With the fast-approaching prospect of being able to return to real face-to-face meetings in the autumn (more info when we know more), we need to get our house in order post-Covid lockdowns and restrictions.

To that end, we need to set up an AGM.    Actually, we need to set up TWO!

This is a formal notice of the AGM to be held as a Zoom session on TUESDAY 24TH AUGUST at 1930 BST

Why TWO AGMs, you may ask? 

Covid lockdowns and disruptions to normal thinking put the tin hat on the 2019-20 one and now we are several months late on the May 2020-21 AGM, so we plan to run the two together in one ONLINE (Zoom) session.

So much water has flown under the bridge that we will really only address an Activity Report for 2019-20 and agree on the audited accounts from that year.

The 2020-21 AGM will be the more substantive part and will include elections to the committee as you will see from the Agenda below.


We will provide further details of how to join the Zoom session in due course.

Please put the date in your diary and please join us so we can get the SDARC show back on the road – we need a goodly number of attendees to make the AGM a formally acceptable activity.

Also… if any Member, new or long-standing would like to join the committee, please email me. We should have a committee of at least 10 of our now 60-something members. NOW seems a really good time for new ideas from new people, so please think about joining the committee.

We have got into the habit of Zoom committee meetings from the comfort of our own homes but we also like sampling biscuits and cake at REAL meetings, so we have a choice. We have even met at local hostels serving cold fizzy drinks in times past !!

Any items you wish discussed in the AGM MUST be sent to me BEFORE the date of the AGM.

73 all

Den M0ACM (Club Secretary)

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