Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club

WSPR Talk & Demonstration by Viv Williams, M0IEP

This Thursday, 28th September, we welcome along one of our own members, Viv, M0IEP, who will be WSPRing to us!

One of the things that makes communicating with amateur radio more fun than using the Internet or the phone is that you never know where your signals will be received. Short wave radio propagation is never completely predictable, and can often surprise you. If this is an aspect of radio that fascinates you, then you’ll enjoy using WSPR.

Viv will be giving a talk and demonstration on the Weak Signal Propagation Reporting tool or WSPR ( pronounced Whisper ) for short. WSPR is used by thousands of ham worldwide on a daily basis for understanding propagation and their stations performance .

The talk will cover a brief history of WSPR followed by a demonstration of setting up the software and concluded with some examples of how WSPR can be useful.

Please join us at Pinetrees from 7pm on the 28th September for what is sure to be a fascinating talk and demo.

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