Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club

GR2HQ active this weekend

The UK Headquarters team will again be active in the IARU Championships this weekend. This is the 8th year that the team has taken part in the contest ‘nationwide’ using several calls over those years such as GB5HQ, GB7HQ and new for this year GR2HQ (website), a new and unique prefix.

This year the team has expanded to include more than 60 experienced contest operators, operating simultaneously from 16 locations around the UK. The main 20M stations are in Northern Ireland and Orkney Islands. Other stations are on the Isle of Man, the Midlands, East Anglia, Wales and Somerset etc.

Please try to work the team on as many of the possible 12 band slots that are available (only dual-mode Contest [SSB & CW]). Sometimes it is difficult to work within the UK on the higher bands but with ‘Sporadic E’ in full swing anything is possible. On 10M for example, the GR2HQ station will be operating from several different locations during the 24 hours of the contest.

There are several Awards available again this year. This award is available to any licensed radio amateur who makes contacts with GR2HQ during the IARU HF World Championship contest on 9-10 July 2011 on a minimum number of bands/modes (maximum is 12 : i.e. 6 on CW and 6 on SSB)

Bronze award: GR2HQ on three band/modes
Silver award: GR2HQ on six band/modes
Gold award: GR2HQ on nine band/modes
Platinum award: GR2HQ on all twelve band/modes

All UK Stations are encouraged to work other HQ stations and other IARU stations in addition to working the UK HQ station. The full rules of the IARU HF Championships can be found at www.arrl.org/iaru-hf-championship

Have fun, support ”your team” and most of all, enjoy the event!!!

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