Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club

Refreshments and other AGM business

The AGM has been and gone. We had a reasonable turnout with lots to discuss.

Frank, G3JOT decided to step down from the committee and was offered an honorary membership as a thanks for his contribution to the club and although was very flattered decided to decline.

We discussed the finances of the club and agreed that something had to change as the income from membership alone was less than the rental of the hall. It was suggested that the annual fee could go up. This was discussed and the decision was to leave them as is (£15) with the teas and coffee prices being increased to £1. This will certainly help in the short term and it is cheaper than what you would pay in a cafe or bar.

If you have not yet paid your subs then please do as they are now due and Mike will enjoy writing out that receipt. We have created some standing order forms for those of you who wish to automatically renew. For the tech savvy of you we are investigating using PayPal. This will allow us to take your subs on a credit/debit card or bank without you having to visit the bank. More news on this to follow.

The committee page has been updated to reflect the change. We welcome Phil, Mark and Kevin to the team.

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