DX Shop – New Shop For VHF and Up

DX Shop – New Shop For VHF and Up

DX Shop LogoThe DX Shop Limited is an all-new internet website supplying high end equipment to the serious VHF and UHF Radio Amateur.

Run by Roger Banks GW4WND the website www.thedxshop.com, provides a wide range of equipment from SSPA and Valve Linear Amplifiers, LNA, data soundcards, aerials cables and connectors.

The DX Shop Limited are manufacturers and distributors of the PowAbeam range of G4CQM VHF/UHF Antennas.

The DX Shop are also authorised distributors for Andrew HELIAX cables and connectors. We have offers on at the moment on AVA5-50 and offer a free termination service so cables can be bought ready made-up.

Ecoflex and Airflex low loss cables are also available as well as a full range of connectors and adapters to suit.

The DX Shop Limited stocks the RFHamdesign range of heavy duty Azimuth and Alt/Az rotators and accessories.

If you are serious about your hobby then pay the website a visit.

Competitive pricing and quick turnaround.

01588 620126